PR Account Coordinator



Rachael is a brand strategist and qualitative research professional with a long history in luxury sales, personal branding and events.

She became enamored with public relations as a teenager, when she opted out of performance art and switched to the house committee for her high school’s theatre department.

In 2021, she obtained her Master of Arts in Public Relations from the University of Miami. She balances her love of books and learning with an equal affinity for reality TV (Real Housewives, anyone?) In her free time, Rachael explores Miami’s beach clubs, restaurants and museums.

A dedicated online shopper and retired (MVP) mall employee, Rachael’s natural inclination to “think like a consumer” has shaped her into a bonafide brand storyteller.

Three Things About Rachael

  • If you were to ask her mother, you will learn that she is convinced Rachael Berry’s name was lifted from a casting call by the writers of Glee, back when she worked as an extra on the set of a teen-angsty high school drama. It’s kind of a sensitive subject.

  • Designer sunglasses are Rachael’s favorite accessory, you can always catch her eyeing a unique pair to add to her collection.

  • Rachael just became a plant mother for the first time to a lively and low-maintenance Money Tree, Kash Doll.


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