Falls Green by Insight Property Group

Multifamily Real Estate

Multifamily Revamp Makes a Splash in DC Metro

Insight Property Group, a real estate company specializing in residential and mixed-use development, turned to BCENE PR to raise awareness about its recently renovated and redesigned multifamily community, Falls Green. From December 2018—January 2020, the company completely repositioned the property from a hotel/short-term corporate housing and rebranded it to a residential apartment community.

BCENE PR generated “new news” about the community through media outreach to local and regional D.C. and Northern Virginia news outlets as well as national industry publications. BCENE PR also created buzz by hosting a “Virtual Backyard Grill Class” taught by Chef Seng, a two-time James Beard award semifinalist and the chef championing Lao cuisine in the DC area.



In just three short months, BCENE garnered over 288M impressions and (19) stories including articles about the rebrand, thought leadership pieces and calendar listings. Coverage highlights include features in Commercial Observer, Connect Media, Falls Church News-Press, Multifamily Executive, Virginia Living and Washington Post.



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Event Marketing


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